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Andrew Robinson (4 knihy)

  • Andrew Robinson, Klaus Albrecht Schroder Albrecht Dürer EN

    Vienna's Albertina Museum is home to the world's most comprehensive collection of works by Albrecht Durer. Durer's genius for drawing and painting rivaled those of his Italian contemporaries and his exquisitely detailed and delicately colored prints elevated the medium to new levels of accomplishment. This book includes many of Durer's most renowned masterpieces: his watercolors, The Hare and The Great Piece of Turf…

  • Andrew Robinson Cracking the Egyptian Code

    In 1799 Napoleon's army uncovered an ancient stele in the Nile delta. Its inscription, recorded in three distinct scripts - ancient Greek, Coptic, and hieroglyphic - would provide scholars with the first clues to unlocking the secrets of Egyptian hieroglyphs, a language lost for nearly two millennia. More than twenty years later a remarkably gifted Frenchman named Jean-Francois Champollion successfully deciphered…

  • Andrew Robinson India

    India has had many histories. To pilgrims from ancient China, India was the birthplace of the Buddha; to Alexander the Great it was a land of clever naked philosophers and indomitable, elephantine armies. At the height of the Mughal empire...

  • Andrew Robinson Muž, který rozluštil hieroglyfy CZ

    V roce 1799 objevilo Napoleonovo vojsko v nilské deltě starověkou stélu. Nápis na ní, vyvedený ve třech různých písmech - starořeckém, koptském a hieroglyfickém - poskytl badatelům první vodítko pro rozluštění dva tisíce let starých egyptských hieroglyfů. O dalších dvacet let později nadaný Francouz jménem Jean-Francois Champollion hieroglyfy na stéle úspěšně rozluštil, a způsobil tak revoluci v naší znalosti…
