Andrew Roberts (8 kníh)
Andrew Roberts Churchill
A magnificently fresh and unexpected biography of Churchill, by one of Britain's most acclaimed historians. Winston Churchill towers over every other figure in twentieth-century British history. By the time of his death at the age of 90 in 1965...
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Andrew Roberts Churchill
A magnificently fresh and unexpected biography of Churchill, by one of Britain's most acclaimed historians. Winston Churchill towers over every other figure in twentieth-century British history. By the time of his death at the age of 90 in 1965, ...
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Andrew Roberts Hitler a Churchill - taje vůdcovství CZ
Britský historik zkoumá dvě postavy, které výjimečným způsobem ovlivnily dějiny 20.století a svým jednáním a svou mocí utvářely svět, v němž dnes žijeme. V knize rozkrývá vůdcovské metody, taktiky a triky, které oba muži používali v nesmiřitelném zápase, jehož cenu - vítězství ve druhé světové válce - mohl získat jen jeden z nich. O každém z těchto mužů bylo již napsáno mnoho knih, Roberts však při srovnávání takto…
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Andrew Roberts Leadership in War
Taking us from the French Revolution to the Cold War and the Falklands, celebrated historian Andrew Roberts presents us with a bracingly honest and insightful look at nine major figures in modern history: Napoleon Bonaparte, Horatio Nelson...
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Andrew Roberts Napoleon the Great EN
From Andrew Roberts, author of the Sunday Times bestseller The Storm of War, this is the definitive modern biography of Napoleon. Napoleon Bonaparte lived one of the most extraordinary of all human lives. In the space of just twenty years, from October 1795 when as a young artillery captain he cleared the streets of Paris of insurrectionists, to his final defeat at the (horribly mismanaged) battle of Waterloo in…
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Andrew Roberts Napoleon the Great EN
It has become all too common for Napoleon Bonaparte's biographers to approach him as a figure to be reviled, bent on world domination, practically a proto-Hitler. Here, after years of study extending even to visits paid to St Helena and 53 of Napoleon's 56 battlefields, Andrew Roberts has created a true portrait of the mind, the life, and the military and above all political genius of a fundamentally constructive…
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Andrew Roberts The Storm of War EN
On 2 August 1944, Winston Churchill mocked Adolf Hitler in the House of Commons by the rank he had reached in the First World War. 'Russian success has been somewhat aided by the strategy of Herr Hitler, of Corporal Hitler', Churchill jibed. 'Even military idiots find it difficult not to see some faults in his actions'. Andrew Roberts' previous book Masters and Commanders studied the creation of Allied grand…
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Andrew Roberts Ve vichru války CZ
Renomovaný britský historik Andrew Roberts nabízí nový pohled na nejkrvavější kapitolu dějin počínaje napadením Polska 1. září 1939 až po japonskou kapitulaci o šest roků a jeden den později. S využitím dosud neznámých dokumentů, jež objevil v tzv. Sayerově archivu, hledá odpověď na hlavní otázku: mohly mocnosti Osy válku vyhrát – a pokud ano, co způsobilo jejich porážku? Autor přináší nejen fundovanou odpověď, ale…