Alice Sebold (11 kníh)
Alice Sebold Pevné pouto CZ
Nevšední příběh vyprávěný ze záhrobí zavražděnou čtrnáctiletou školačkou, která pozoruje, jak bez ní pokračuje život na Zemi a v její rodině. Tato dívenka byla nejen brutálně zabita, ale navíc i znásilněna a její tělo policie nikdy nenalezla. Krátce poté, co ho její duše opustila, ocitne se v nebi, kde se jí splní vše, nač jen pomyslí. Ovšem až na jediné: už nikdy nebude s těmi, které má ráda, nedospěje, a nebude…
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Alice Sebold Pevné pouto CZ
Nevšední příběh vyprávěný ze záhrobí zavražděnou čtrnáctiletou školačkou, která pozoruje, jak bez ní pokračuje život na Zemi a v její rodině. Tato dívenka byla nejen brutálně zabita, ale navíc i znásilněna a její tělo policie nikdy nenalezla. Krátce poté, co ho její duše opustila, ocitne se v nebi, kde se jí splní vše, nač jen pomyslí. Ovšem až na jediné: už nikdy nebude s těmi, které má ráda, nedospěje, a nebude…
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Alice Sebold Pevné puto
Nové vydanie románu pri príležitosti uvedenia rovnomenného filmu do našich kín! Keď sa prvý raz stretávame so štrnásťročnou Susie, je už v nebi. Z tohto miesta rozpráva svoj príbeh, ktorý naháňa hrôzu a zároveň dáva nádej. V týždňoch bezprostredne nasledujúcich po svojej smrti Susie sleduje, ako život tam dolu ide ďalej aj bez nej... Všetkým filmovým fanúšikom dávame do pozornosti aj film na DVD a BLU-RAY s názvom…
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Alice Sebold The Almost Moon EN
Helen Knightly has spent a lifetime trying to win the love of a mother who had none to spare. And as this electrifying novel opens, she steps over a boundary she never dreamt she would even approach. But while her act is almost unconscious, it also seems like the fulfilment of a lifetime's buried desire. Over the next twenty-four hours, her life rushes in at her as she confronts the choices that have brought her to…
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Alice Sebold The Almost Moon EN
Helen Knightly has spent a lifetime trying to win the love of a mother who had none to spare. And as this electrifying novel opens, she steps over a boundary she never dreamt she would even approach. But while her act is almost unconscious, it also seems like the fulfilment of a lifetime’s buried desire. Over the next twenty-four hours, her life rushes in at her as she confronts the choices that have brought her to…
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Alice Sebold The Lovely Bones EN
In heaven, Susie Salmon can have whatever she wishes for - except what she most wants, which is to be back with the people she loved on earth. In the wake of her murder, Susie watches as her happy suburban family is torn apart by grief; as her friends grow up, fall in love, and do all the things she never had the chance to do herself. But as Susie will come to realize, even in death, life is not quite out of reach.…
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Alice Sebold The Lovely Bones EN
This is Susie Salmon, speaking to us from heaven. It looks a lot like her school playground, with the good kind of swing sets. There are counsellors to help newcomers to adjust, and friends to room with. Everything she wants appears as soon as she thinks of it - except the thing she wants most: to be back with the people she loved on Earth. From heaven, Susie watches. She sees her happy suburban family implode …
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Alice Sebold The Lovely Bones EN
My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973. My murderer was a man from our neighborhood. My mother liked his border flowers, and my father talked to him once about fertilizer. This is Susie Salmon. Watching from heaven, Susie sees her happy suburban family devastated by her death, isolated even from one another as they each try to cope with their…
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Alice Sebold V mojom nebi
Keď sa prvý raz stretávame so Susie, už je v nebi. Susie sleduje, ako život tam dolu ide ďalej aj bez nej – jej spolužiaci si odovzdávajú chýry o jej zmiznutí, jej rodina sa drží nádeje, že ju nájdu, jej vrah sa snaží zahladiť po sebe stopy. Zároveň skúma miesto, ktoré sa volá nebo. Všetko, po čom kedy túžila, sa jej zjaví pred očami, len čo si na to pomyslí – okrem jedinej veci, po ktorej túži najväčšmi – môcť sa…