Alfred Lansing (3 knihy)
Alfred Lansing Endurance CZ
Loď Endurance zamrzla v lednu 1915 v ledových polích antarktického Weddellova moře, po deseti měsících ji ledové kry rozdrtily. Ernest Shackelton a jeho posádka 28 mužů zůstali 850 mil od nejbližší základny. Nastal čas tvrdých zkoušek a utrpení... Brilantně napsaná kniha novináře Alfreda Lansinga je uznávaná jako naprosto úplný popis osudné plavby Endurance. Toto ohromující vyprávění o přežití Shackletona a všech…
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Alfred Lansing Endurance EN
One of the most remarkable tales of human courage and determination. The story is gripping and the book is a classic of its kind Sir Ranulph Fiennes Endurance is the story of one of the most astonishing feats of exploration and human courage ever recorded. In 1914 Sir Ernest Shackleton and a crew of 27 men set sail for the South Atlantic on board a ship called the Endurance. The object of the expedition was to cross…
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Alfred Lansing Endurance EN
'A thrilling reading experience! One of the greatest adventure stories of our times' - New York Times Book Review. In 1914 Ernest Shackleton and a crew of 27 men, sailed for the South Atlantic on the 'Endurance' with the object of crossing the Antarctic over land. In October 1915, still half a continent away from their intended base, the ship was trapped, then crushed in ice. For five months Shackleton and his men,…