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Alessandra R. Torre (11 kníh)

  • Alessandra R. Torre Black Lies EN

    Brant: Became a tech billionaire by his twentieth birthday. Has been in a relationship with me for 3 years. Has proposed 4 times. Been rejected 4 times. Lee: Cuts grass when he's not banging housewives. Good with his hands, his mouth, and his cock. Has been pursued relentlessly by me for almost 2 years, whether he knows it or not. Go ahead. Judge me. You have no idea what my love entails. If you think you've heard…

  • Alessandra R. Torre Black Lies EN

    Brant: Became a tech billionaire by his twentieth birthday. Has been in a relationship with me for 3 years. Has proposed 4 times. Been rejected 4 times.Lee: Cuts grass when he's not banging housewives. Good with his hands, his mouth, and his body. Has been pursued relentlessly by me for almost 2 years, whether he knows it or not. Go ahead. Judge me. You have no idea what my love entails. If you think you've heard…

  • Alessandra R. Torre Blindfolded Innocence EN

    Divorce attorney Brad De Luca is used to getting whatever, and whomever, he wants. And when pre-law student Julia Campbell, the newest intern at his firm, poses a challenge, his seductive prowess goes into overdrive.

  • Alessandra R. Torre Černé lži CZ

    Layana Fairmontová vyrostla obklopená luxusem. Životním stylem svých rodičů sice odjakživa pohrdá, bohužel je ale na nejlepší cestě propadnout se do stejného snobského stereotypu. Dokud nepotká Branta, jenž obrátí její svět vzhůru nohama.Brant Sharp je počítačový génius a miliardář, skrývá však temné tajemství. Tajemství, které by mohlo ohrozit nejen jeho vztah a budoucnost s Layanou, ale i vše, co za svůj život…

  • Alessandra R. Torre Dívka z 6E CZ

    Deanna Maddenová alias Jessica Reillyová je přitažlivá mladá žena, která si na živobytí vydělává poskytováním virtuálního sexu na internetovém livechatu. U klientů je oblíbená a na svou finanční situaci si díky lukrativní práci rozhodně nemůže stěžovat. Ale Deanna ve skutečnosti není tou rozvernou slečnou, za kterou ji její online známosti považují. Už tři roky se nikoho nedotkla, už tři roky neopustila svůj byt. Už…

  • Alessandra R. Torre Hriešny Hollywood

    Cole Masten je hollywoodska hviezda a sexidol všetkých žien – okrem jeho vlastnej. Summer Jenkinsová je obyčajné dievča z malého mestečka Quincy, z ktorého by najradšej okamžite utiekla. Ich životy by sa azda nikdy neskrížili, keby si Cole náhodou neprečítal knihu o tomto mestečku a nedozvedel sa, že sa tu niekoľkým obyvateľom podarilo rozprávkovo zbohatnúť na Coca-Cole. Rozhodne sa o týchto ľuďoch nakrútiť film a o…

  • Alessandra R. Torre The End of the Innocence EN

    He thought I owned him. He thought he loved me, that I was enough. But this animal, this sex god who could drive me crazy and steal my heart in the same breath, he would never fully be mine. It was impossible. No one ever owned a God... One year. I have one year to find out more about this man I am marrying. More about his family. More about our sex, and all of the dirty, delicious places it will take me. I thought…

  • Alessandra R. Torre The Girl in 6E EN

    Deanna Madden, aka Jessica Reilly, hasn't touched another person in three years. She hasn't left her apartment. She makes money from performing to webcams on a sex site, where her clients pay $6.99 a minute for her time. She's doing alright. The dollars are piling up in the bank. She's the number 3 model on cams.com. And she hasn't killed anyone for years. But when Deanna sees on the news that a little girl called…
