Alastair Campbell (3 knihy)
Alastair Campbell Atlas Journal EN
50 elegantly tinted maps, showing the whole world, are ready for your annotations, explorations or reminiscences: as they are printed on uncoated paper stock, you can write or draw over them as you desire, and this journal will rapidly become a truly personal atlas of your world and record of your travels. There are political and topographical maps of every territory, and the back of the book also contains a handy…
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Alastair Campbell Bible vítězů CZ
Alastair Campbell ví, co je potřeba k vítězství, a to nejenom v podnikání nebo v politice. Díky svým zkušenostem dokáže čtenáři poradit, jak úspěšní sportovci, podnikatelé, politici fungují, jak vybírají týmy kolem sebe, jak překonávají překážky. A jak tyto principy může využít každý z nás.
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Alastair Campbell Winners EN
This is the Sunday Times number 1 bestseller. How people succeed - and how you can, too. Alastair Campbell knows all about winning. As Tony Blair's chief spokesman and strategist he helped guide the Labour Party to victory in three successive general elections, and he's fascinated by what it takes to win. How do sports stars excel, entrepreneurs thrive, or individuals achieve their ambition? Is their ability to win…