Alan Greenspan (4 knihy)
Alan Greenspan Capitalism in America
Where does innovation come from, and how does it spread through a society? And why do some eras see the fruits of innovation spread more democratically, and others, including our own, see the opposite? In Capitalism in America, Alan Greenspan distils a li
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Alan Greenspan, Adrian Wooldridge Capitalism in America
Shortlisted for the FT & McKinsey Business Book of the Year 2018. Where does prosperity come from, and how does it spread through a society? What role does innovation play in creating prosperity and why do some eras see the fruits of...
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Alan Greenspan The Map and the Territory EN
Like all of us, though few so visibly, Alan Greenspan was forced by the financial crisis of 2008 to question some fundamental assumptions about risk management and economic forecasting. No one with any meaningful role in economic decision making in the world saw beforehand the storm for what it was. How had our models so utterly failed us? To answer this question, Alan Greenspan embarked on a rigorous and far…
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Alan Greenspan Věk turbulencí CZ
Biografie guru americké ekonomiky! Předseda rady guvernérů federálního rezervního systému USA Alan Greenspan nás provází dobrodružným světem globální ekonomiky. Ukazuje obecné principy ekonomického růstu, srovnává konkrétní fakta v ekonomikách všech velkých zemí a oblastí světa a vysvětluje, kam odtud směřují linie trendu globalizace. Svůj pohled na ekonomiku a vlastní zkušenosti popisuje jako VĚK TURBULENCE, který…