Al Ries (3 knihy)
Al Ries, Jack Trout 22 věčných zákonů marketingu CZ
Na základě dlouhodobých analýz konkrétních marketingových strategií autoři formulují 22 věčných pravidel marketingu, jejichž platnost dokumentují příklady z praxe známých firem. Překlad z angličtiny.
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Al Ries, Jack Trout Positioning EN
The first book to deal with the problems of communicating to a skeptical public, Positioning describes the revolutionary approach to creating a position in a prospective customer's mind that reflects a company's own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of its competitors. It is fully updated and revised.
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Al Ries, Jack Trout The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing EN
Al Ries and Jack Trout, two of the world's most successful marketing strategists, call upon over 40 years of marketing expertise to identify the definitive rules that govern the world of marketing. Combining a wide-ranging historical overview with a keen eye for the future, the authors bring to light 22 superlative tools and innovative techniques for the international marketplace. The authors examine marketing…