Al Gore (5 kníh)
Al Gore Earth in the Balance EN
Al Gore leads the charge against climate change, the world's greatest threat, in an incendiary new foreword to this timeless classic that launched his environmental career. If you want to know Gore, you need this book!
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Al Gore The Future EN
In The Future, former US Vice President Al Gore, explores the political, social and economic forces that are shaping what America and the world will become in ensuing decades. From demographics to democracy, Gore explores what he calls the 'Drivers of Global Change', framing the international conversation about the future in fresh and provocative ways. With this new work, Gore hopes to help start a conversation…
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Al Gore The Future EN
In The Future, former US Vice President Al Gore, explores the political, social and economic forces that are shaping what America and the world will become in ensuing decades. From demographics to democracy, Gore explores what he calls the 'Drivers of Global Change', framing the international conversation about the future in fresh and provocative ways. With this new work, Gore hopes to help start a conversation…
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Al Gore Země na misce vah CZ
Kniha bývalého amerického viceprezidenta a kandidáta na úřad prezidenta s tematikou životního prostředí. Globální oteplování, bezhlavé chrlení odpadů, šíření pouští, destrukce ozonosféry, ztráta samočisticích schopností atmosféry, mizení lesa, ohrožení hydrosféry, to vše jsou nepříjemné věci, které se na lidstvo v současné době valí v souvislosti s globální ekologickou krizí. Gore se však nespokojuje pouze s tím,…